Ensure Long & Clean Burning with Certified Firewood

The use of renewable sources of energy is a positive gesture for the planet. In addition to being a clean energy source, firewood does not contribute to the greenhouse effect when burnt. Nevertheless, not all kinds of firewood have the same heating qualities. You can distinguish between two types of wood:

Originates from slow-growth trees such as beech, oak, ash, cherry, maple, chestnut, olive, elm, etc., hardwood is slow-burning and offers high heating features. Such wood is perfect for keeping the fire going over time, burning with continuous flame.

Coming from trees from the conifer family, such as fir, cedar, birch, alder, etc, softwood ignites quickly and can be utilized to light or relight a fire. It is better to avoid the use of resinous woods such as firs, pines, etc., as they contain resins that cause smoke and blacken fireplace and wood stove glazing.

It is basic to use seasoned firewood logs for your open fire, log burner or stove. This is on the grounds that, if you light a fire with non-seasoned wood it will deliver disappointing results as it is hard to light and will perhaps go out, which can be to a great degree frustrating and bothering. All the vitality is taken up by disposing of the water, as opposed to creating heat.

In assessment, dry, seasoned firewood is less demanding to light and delivers a higher warmth yield, so it is considerably more vitality effective. It may in like manner leave hurtful stores in the fireplace because of the creosote condensation. Hardwoods logs originate from wide leaved, deciduous trees that lose their leaves in winter e.g. ash, beech, birch, sycamore and oak. They are moderate growing and thus create a thick timber.

It is preferable to Buy Hardwood Logs as they are thought to be superior firewood on the grounds that the thick wood makes a hot, long- lasting fire without a considerable measure of smoke. The hardwood logs also makes hot coals which give out heat for more. Since hardwood burns longer it is in a perfect world suited for overnight warming.

So, choose legally sourced certified firewood from Sydney Firewood Company to ensure long burning.

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